Friday, March 27, 2009


K-SO I'm at work and I'm blogging. But that's because I feel completely nauseated and can't think about my work. Instead I am thinking about the reason why I am feeling bloated and currently I'm sure my stomach exists in my throat. The reason...I had to use milk on my shredded wheat this morning.

Last year when Ra was in the middle east I decided I didn't need milk in my life. I searched the refrigerator at the grocery store and found alternatives. I tried Rice Milk but it tasted just like Rice so basically I felt like I was drinking rice. That wasn't right. Then I tried Soy Milk. Ummm NO! The final alternative and the one I stuck with Dairy Ease - the lactose free milk.

Do you know what lactose is? According to wikipedia -

Lactose (also referred to as milk sugar) is a sugar that is found most notably in milk. Lactose makes up around 2–8% of milk (by weight). The name comes from the Latin word for milk, plus the -ose ending used to name sugars.

Do you know what it means to be lactose intolerant? Wikipedia again

People who are not lactose tolerant may suffer uncomfortable and/or socially unacceptable symptoms of too much lactose consumption. In these people, lactose is not broken down and provides food for gas-producing
gut flora. This can lead to bloating, flatulence, and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

A perfect description of how I am currently feeling - but without the socially unacceptable symptoms - if you know what I mean.

This morning when I looked in the fridge for my Dairy Ease it was all used up. I was in a hurry so I grabbed the milk the boys drink - Vitamin D of all things - poured it on my cereal and gobbled it down. Three minutes later...I'm not kidding...I was having a bad case of "gut flora".

Now I am at work. The nausea continues and I have promised myself never to put lactose into my body again!

The moral of the story -

We crave certain foods simply because we have allowed ourselves to overdose on them. We learn early in life that sugar, salt and fat tastes good in our mouths and then we learn later in life that what tastes good is not necessarily good for us. Then comes the hardest lesson - how to learn that we do not need certain foods and that there are things that taste good and are good for us at the same time.

I have learned, quite by accident, that my body produces all the lactose it needs all by itself. It doesn't need me to fill the cup to overflowing. That's like self inflicted - what was that word again - Oh Yah...GUT FLORA!

Monday, March 23, 2009


After months of planning and preparation we finally did the family photo! Karamea had to make a special trip to St. George and everyone had to find matching turquoise. Maybe we matched a little too well.

About a year ago I drove past the most awesome tow truck ever! It belongs to Dixie Diesel. I asked if they would mind if we used it as a prop for our family pictures and Harry said he'd be happy to hang out with us. We love Harry! The truck is a 1953 Mac Model and still runs today. Harry used to tow the big diesels all up and down the I15 corridor. He thinks maybe more than 1,000 times.

We took more than 200 snapshots. It's late or I would post more photos for your viewing pleasure. I'll do that soon so stay tuned for more fun.

On another note...Spring Break ends tomorrow! I made a quick trip to Salt Lake this weekend to pick up kids who spent the week up north with cousins. We hung out with Karamea and bought new soccer cleats and of course my ritualistic trip to the hair salon. No one beats Rich at the Rockwater Salon in Heber. Maybe a little far to go for my hair but hey...its my hair...

We drove home in treacherous winds and arrived safely. Work tomorrow and school on Tuesday...and I make another one day trip to Salt Lake. Whatever!

Monday, March 16, 2009


March 11, 1984 - After twenty three hours of labor Rakai was born. My first born son. Even after that I kept having babies.

Twelve years later, Asa decided he was done in the womb and wanted an early escape. Life or death he was gettin' out. And near death it was. He arrived by emergency c section, 6 weeks earlier than planned and one day before Rakai's birthday.

Rakai wasn't real happy about it cause he had a "ditch-school-for-a-ski-day" planned with his dad. Needless to say, the happy birthday ski trip was postponed.

Click here to view the birthday celebration slide show.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I kind of overdid it at the gym last night. I guess I had a little bit too much energy stored up and had to work it off. Thirty minutes on the elliptical, fourty five minutes on the machines and fourty five minutes in the pool...I am feeling the pain. Even the hot tub is too far away to get too. This will take a few days of recovery.

What was I thinking?

Monday, March 9, 2009


Seven Fifty and I am watching my boys kick the soccer ball on the fairway. It's that day of the year when we spring ahead our clocks and enjoy an extra hour of daylight in the evening. I love the light!

As you will note from my "Currently Reading" gadget to the left, I am well into a book called "Jesus, The Enlightened One" by Depak Chopra. It's a fictional story, something imagined by Depak. A story that tells of Jesus in the years before His ministry. I am entertained by the story and intrigued by some of the phrases Depak pens among his words. For example - "We observe through God's eyes. Do you think that is possible?"

I read the words on that page a few days ago and they continue to surf the waves of my brain. I have examined my life and how I "see". I have discovered this about myself. That I observe with God's eyes, and I am filled with peace because of it.

It is the light of Heaven that leads me through each day. It is the light of Heaven that illuminates my soul. I am a Warrior of Light.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Once, in another lifetime, I used to sew. Fabric was a weakness to me like shoes are a weakness to some. Last year, when we moved, I donated boxes of fabric to charity. Sad thought. Yesterday I took Asa to the St. George Library. They have mini quilts on display in the showcase.

I miss fabric. I miss sitting at my sewing machine creating dresses for Karamea and quilts for whatever. Children at my feet munching on snacks to pacify their hunger while I just kept on sewing. Sewing into the wee hours as if sleep was unimportant.

I have my father to blame for this. He insisted on Home Economics in High School. Learning to sew was absolutely essential. He didn't really care about my other classes as long as I learned how to sew. Mom didn't drive. Always supportive of my sewing class, dad and I would spend hours in the fabric store thumbing through pattern books and picking out fabric and notions. Sewing is my lost passion.

I miss that other lifetime...