Friday, April 1, 2011


"The good people who inhabit the frontiers of civilization do not, as a rule, tend to be the world's most sophisticated or cosmopolitan human beings.  Often, they aren't especially well educated or refined, nor all that conversant with cutting-edge trends in areas like, say, fashion and current events...when ordinary human beings performs extraordinary acts of generosity, endurance, or compassion, we are all made richer by their example...the inspiration they generate washes down to the rest of us.  It waters everyone's fields."

So are the words of Greg Mortenson in his book Stones into Schools. The man I had the pleasure of meeting and then listening to.  Then man who inspires thousands to embrace education or any philanthropical activity.  The man who just tonight instilled a desire in my son to want to go to Afghanistan and mentor with Greg Mortenson.

Sitting at dinner with me this evening was a couple from Provo who drove down to attend the event because they too are enchanted by this story, Gina Lewis and Chris Hayes.     
Thanks to the Dove Center for providing a safe place for individual's affected by domestic violence.  And thanks to the Dove Center for holding a spring charity event that included inspiring the community of St. George.