Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The remaining days of two thousand ten will end as it began...busy planning for First Night.  Only this year the name changes to Twilight to Midnight.  A quick summary of my past and I discover that all of the moments of my life are dedicated to my children.  I live to experience joy in their self discovery.  Any parent knows that joy does not exist in every child raising moment.  But joy does exist in their positive accomplishments and the realization that "mom really does know what she's talking about."  

RAKAI - New Zealand wasn't really the place for him and rugby wasn't really his game.  He continues to search but has found St. George and the people he left behind to be an important piece of his existence. KARAMEA - One day I received a phone call from her and she said, "mom guess what I learned today?  I learned that I am intelligent, powerful, beautiful and that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to."  I'm pretty sure I've been trying to tell her that all of your life." ISAAC - He learns amazing lessons in his chosen path as a missionary, warrior and disciple of Jesus Christ.  His letters are the most inspirational part of my week.  I am jealous of his current journey and hope to one day create one of my own. AMMON - King of everything!  His passion for living can sometimes be exhausting.  I wonder if he will ever get tired. ASA - Embraces his leadership responsibilities.  Love exists deep down in his soul.  He finds strength in his testimony and willingly shares it with others. HAMILTON - His best friend is 41 year old Preston, a down syndrome man.  Hamilton spends his after school time helping Preston to read and speak.  Preston was the only friend Hamilton invited to his twelfth birthday celebration.  We went bowling.

A quick look back on two thousand ten and I discover that my life belongs to my children.  I live every moment for them.