Friday, July 11, 2008


Life is all about work. Work to get ready for work. Work all day at work then come home to work all night. I asked a friend his thoughts on work. The answer came in scripture...

" out your own salvation with fear and for his good pleasure." (Phillipians 2:12) He sort of paraphrased...okay he paraphrased alot. But I started thinking about the words.

My first thought - "why would God take pleasure in seeing me work myself into mental and physical exhaustion." Then I thought about God as my father, me as His child and me as a parent.

As a parent I have taught my children work ethics. I take pleasure in knowing that my children know how to work and that they work hard. In opposition to that, I become most frustrated with my children when they have too much leisure time on their hands. Lessons are not learned in leisure activity they are learned in the challenge of work. Then I realize that being a parent makes me a better child.

That being said, I need a break from work.

My only refuge is in the 6 minutes it takes me to drive from work to home. The fantastical thoughts of my mind rejuvenate my energies so that when I face the domestic challenges at home, I can transition from work to work and not even skip a beat.