Thursday, July 3, 2008


It's that time of year again, the Calgary Stampede, and I'm not there. My most fun summer job. But the best part was hangin' with my dad and the much fun!

Every year I worked the grandstand and on the fourth of July the announcer would have everyone stand and the Americans would sing The Star Spangled Banner before the show could begin. I thought it was cool being as I sang O Canada every day of my life all the way through my school years.

This Friday is not just July 4. It's the first Friday in July which means the Calgary Stampede Parade...the best ever memories, and they'll be singing The Star Spangled Banner in Canada.

Other stampede memories
::late night concerts::
::carnival rides::
::parade watchin'::
::cherry pit spittin' contests::
::building bleachers::
::red pants::
::white hats::
::stampede breakfast::
::fleetwood mac::
::indian pow wows::
::tom thumb donuts::
::midnight fireworks::

This year Sugarland performs on July 11. If only wishes were dreams come true..