Saturday, December 27, 2008


It is December 26, Boxing Day in Canada. I know this because that's where my childhood memories are stored. Not only in Canada but in all the Commonwealth countries including New Zealand, Australia, The United Kingdom, and Hong Kong. In South Africa it is known as the day of good will when people give gifts to the less fortunate.

Boxing Day orginated as St. Stephens Day in honor of Stephen the disciple. He was the first disciple to be killed as a result of his proclamation of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World. Stephen embraced his love for the Savior. He was stoned to death in 34-35 A.D. But, as with all things, we tend to stray from the original celebration and create new ways to celebrate.

When I was growing up it was shopping day. Lots of people would flock to the stores in search of the greatest after Christmas deals. According to my boys, the greatest thing about Boxing Day is that it is the biggest "FOOTBALL" (or soccer if you are American) DAY of the year. The big rival teams play each other and apparently that's cool.

However you are celebrating Boxing Day don't forget to remember that once upon a time it was called St. Stephens Day.

May we all follow Stephen's example and possess conviction of the heart!