Tuesday, August 4, 2009


A broken AC and I am sweltering in the warmth. The high today...103 degrees in the shade. At 8:55pm it is 92 degrees. Inside my house it is a balmy 89. Ugggh. I need to be working but I can't focus on anything but the sweat trickling down my neck. I need a cold shower or a swimming pool. The HVAC dude will be here in the morning...this could be a long night.

Earlier this evening I was at the baseball park helping with an event promotion. It was Special Needs Awareness at the Roadrunner Baseball game. My job was to hand out T-Shirts to the special needs people. This was more than I imagined it to be. They are called special needs but they are special spirits. I was emotionally moved by the joy a simple t-shirt brought. A smile and clap of glee as I placed the shirt in a hand.

I was standing outside in that 103 degrees handing out shirts and completely enjoying the spirit that surrounded me. Life is full of joy!