Saturday, April 17, 2010


It's late on a Friday night and I am baking cookies.  This is such an odd thing for me to be doing when it is supposed to be my bedtime.  I guess I'll do just about anything for my kids.  Tomorrow is the annual soccer fund raiser for Ammon's team.  The cookies I am baking are for the bake sale.  Since I am a working/soccer mom the only time I have to bake cookies

I really like baking cookies.  I'm sure that in my next life I will have a Cookie Cottage.  It will be on a tropical beach.  I will bake in my tank top and shorts with an aloha apron for the effect.  Did you ever see the movie Stranger Than Fiction?  I want to be her. 

Downstairs there is a slumber party happening.  Asa and Hamilton have friends over.  I think I heard the sounds of a Fifa 10 tournament, hide and seek and now they are playing soccer in the hallway downstairs.  It's long and perfect for a straight on goal.  I think they are actually bouncing the ball off the walls though.  It's a Size 1 ball so I guess I'm okay with it.  

I just realized that everything I have just typed can go in my letter to Isaac.  In case you haven't noticed, my blog entries seem to be few and far between these days.  That's because most of my life is written in letters to Isaac.  You can read all about his adventures by clicking here.

The timer is beeping.  Warm cookies await...