Monday, June 14, 2010


Between work and children there is little time for blog posting.  I love being a mom...the work part I can do without.  Well, it is work being a mom but it's the greatest work on earth.  The other work I am talking about is the survival kind.  We do it cause we have to.

I spent last weekend in Salt Lake with Rakai and Karamea.  It was the weekend of the Salty Streets Flea Market, created by Karamea, and she was immersed in pneumonia.  Rakai and I drove up to help her and stayed til late Sunday night.

This was an interesting place to spend my Sabbath day.  Karamea has chosen to include a different sort of crowd in her circle of influence. She created the Salty Streets Flea Market so they would have someplace to sell their recycled art.  I was surrounded by tatoos, body piercings and crazy hair all day.  Not to mention the flow of people coming from the Gay Pride Festival.  It was a lot to handle but I did it for Karamea.  Sometimes mothers have to step out of their comfort zones.  I love you Karamea.  And I admire that you choose to associate with and accept all kinds of people.  Just remember who you are and allow your inner convictions to touch the souls of everyone.

Two days later I was on my way to Cedar City for the Utah Summer Games.  Ammon, Asa and Hamilton were each scheduled to play.  I was the only parent that could go so I decided to get a room and stay in Cedar.  The alternative would've been enduring 15 games and living out of my car for 4 days.  Not a good option.  I'm feeling really good that I managed to watch a portion of 13 of those games.  I missed two because of scheduling conflicts...which was not my fault since I'm not in charge of the scheduling. This year we came home with 2 bronze medals and 1 gold.  Utah Summer's become a tradition.  As long as I have boys that play soccer and as long as we are in Utah, we will be at the Utah Summer Games.

One week after Salty Streets Flea Market.  It is a peaceful Sunday morning.  The boys sleep and I am catching up.  Karamea called late last night.  The pneumonia is clearing but she has pluracy as a result of the coughing.  She ended up in the emergency room.  There is nothing worse than feeling helpless when my children are suffering.   

Pneumonia at the Salty Streets Flea Market, 3 medals at the Utah Summer has been a week of highs and lows.  The sorrows of motherhood are always overshadowed by the joys.