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Out of Africa |
As we attend to each animal’s daily food and husbandry requirements, and to their holistic health and medical needs, we experience with gratitude and friendship — their appreciation of us. We consider their social orders, their natural beauty and essence, their sense of feeling safe and secure, their eternal spirituality, and our communion with them as a common community of life. Our commitment to the animals in our care allows them to portray their instincts, intelligence, and emotions. Wisdom is served by learning the integrity of their world, their honesty, their vitality, and their life-on-the-line reality. Their wealth is a life well spent. They thrive by living in the “now,” focusing their attention, their power, their affection in acute awareness of life itself. By cooperating with them and their needs, our human family can, to an appreciable extent, integrate with theirs. Our loyalty rewards us with self-respect and self-fulfillment, for we have become something greater than ourselves — and so have they. God is pleased.
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Poolside |
We came back to the room to relax. While Auntie rested I went down to the pool to read. The weather was absolutely perfect. Temps around 80 degrees, no wind. I lounged for an hour and was never uncomfortably hot. I snapchatted with Asa and read an essay in Mormon Women Speak about a woman was overwhelmed with all the tasks she was expected to perform as a young mother with a husband and church calling. I will be able to use this essay for my twelve page English paper.
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Magical |
Auntie wanted to experience the energy of the vortex while in Sedona so we asked the concierge what he recommended. He scheduled an appointment with a Joseph Whitewolf, a Native American Shaman. Mr. Whitewolf picked us up at the hotel. Our first stop was an overlook where we could view the vista of the valley.
We stood looking at Thunder Mountain and it's majesty and Joe said to us. Take a look and then tell me in one word what you see. My word was magical. Joseph asked me what my definition of that word was. I said, "to appear and disappear in awe and amazement." This is the word I would also use to describe the two hours we spent with Mr Joseph Whitewolf.
Joseph explained that my word was a description of what was within me. Then he spoke of expressing gratitude through actions, thoughts and words. He used the example of putting away our shoes and thanking them for carrying us throughout the day. And also making the bed and expressing gratitude for a good nights rest. Then he talked about the moon and it's reflection of light and explained how the light of the moon connects to the soul. He said, "people suntan during the day to enhance the beauty of the skin. We should moon tan at night to enhance the soul."
We drove to another location and walked up to the medicine wheel. This wheel is located just beyond The Amitabha Stupa Buddhist Temple. As we walked I felt the energy around me and took delight in the prayer flags hanging along the path. Once at the medicine wheel I took in the beauty around me. To the west a mountain with a chimney stacking pointing straight to Heaven. Joseph explained the wheel then performed a ceremony for each of us.
I entered the wheel and stood in the center. He explained that during the ceremony I should be selfish and greedy and receive the love of mother earth. This was about me and no one else. "Are you ready?" I wasn't. I told him it is difficult for me to be selfish and greedy. I live my life for others. "Not this time," Joseph replied. "This time it is about you. Mother Earth is going to reach up and wrap her arms around you. Don't think." That was the most important thing he said...don't think. Thinking consumes me. He placed a blanket on the ground, I sat and he proceeded.
I emptied my mind, opened my root chakra and felt the earth beneath me. I felt energy move through me from one chakra to the next. Love and light filled my being and tears trickled down my skin. Peace. Beauty. Quiet. Joy.
Joseph sat next to me and explained that while while circling the wheel with his drum he saw a grasshopper in the east quatrant. This is the circle of new beginnings. He said that I was about to embark on a new journey and grasshopper is there to help me let go of the fear.
Joseph then performed the ceremony for Auntie. While we were both there at the same time it was a completely different experience for her. He received visions and heard the Raven speak for her. While we were both there at the same time the experience was unique and individual.
This was an unforgettable day.