Wednesday, June 4, 2008


If your life were a series of books how would you title each volume? Mine might go something like this…

All about Me: The Life and Times of Laninina Scoville Puriri
Volume 1 - When I was Young
Volume 2 - A Short Single Adult Experience
Volume 3 - Marriage and Motherhood in Salt Lake
Volume 4 - Marriage and Motherhood in Heber Valley
Volume 5 - Growing Up in St. George

There is much to be said for the memories in those years and many things to write. Remembering the most sometimes requires starting now and going backwards.If I were to do that I would say I’m on the final chapter of Volume 5.

Sometimes when you read the final chapter of a favorite book you feel a sense of melancholy. You know you are nearing the end and you want to read those final words but once you do – then what? How will the next book ever compare to this?

So the final chapter of Volume 5 begins now.

I feel as if the ten years I have lived in St. George have been the most challenging and the most rewarding years of my life to date. I have experienced a greater sense of personal growth here than in any other place. The trials I have faced, raising children then leaving motherhood to step into an unwanted career, meeting new people, facing new challenges. Although most difficult, everything has been to my benefit. I have increased in immeasurable wisdom.

I feel stagnate now and compelled to move on to new experiences and new growth. It is as if I have accomplished all I needed to do in this part of God's universe. I have been an instrument in His hands as I have raised my children, worked with the local Polynesians, connected and disconnected with long lost and life long friends.

I think it is time to spend the next year in preparation for what is to come.