Monday, June 16, 2008


The 2008 Utah Summer Games are over for us. Four players, four days and eighteen games later the boys have obtained 3 medals. Isaac and Ammon each have a gold and Asa a bronze. Hamilton did his best but they are young and in the learning stages. It was exhausting and we are all sunburned.

The interview with Colin Raye was awesome. He was very cordial as were his manager and everyone around him. KCSG personnel did a fabulous job and I am happy with how things turned out for KCSG's part in the opening social and ceremonies of the 2008 Utah Summer Games.

Wanna know more - check out this website -

As for Sunset on the Square...HUGE SUCCESS! There were at least 500 people in the town square. It was tons of fun and a perfect June evening under the stars. Next movie is Independence Day on June 27. KCSG and Spinners are giving away a Scooter. That one should be an explosive time!

The Mom Report
Today is Father's Day and the first Sunday home for Ra. Actually everyone is home together and it's a strange sensation. I prepared a celebration meal for all of us - the first time in more than a year. The house is more chaotic and noisey. There is always loads of laundry and dishes in the sink. Someone is always in the kitchen eating. I'm not exactly sure how I will stay on top of it all.

This is motherhood in a whole new way.