Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Ra has returned! His journey home took a little more than 24 hours and he lost a day. Major jetlag! After spending the evening with his family he finally lost all consciousness around 9pm. He sleeps...

Ra is home just in time for the Utah Summer Games. Four of the boys are playing soccer in the games this year. We have 12 games over the next 3 days, and that doesn't include the medal games on Saturday.

But wait...

In between the soccer I will be doing some PR for KCSG. An interview with Colin Raye, the USG banquet and opening ceremonies. It all seems a little overwhelming.

But wait...

Friday is Sunset in the Park, a movie under the stars, and I'm in charge. So after we're done with the Friday games I have to be back to organize the Friday night Festivities. Feeling a bit warn out?

But wait...

The laundry has completely piled up since Ra's return. In Dubai he was having his clothes professionally laundered and he lived in 5 star hotels for 6 weeks. Hopefully he can adapt.

It's good to have him home...if only for a few short weeks.