Sunday, January 30, 2011


Every seven weeks I venture to Salt Lake to hang out with Karamea.  A couple of weeks ago I received an email from my supervisor at work saying he would like me to attend a Grant Writing Workshop January 26 and 27.  I was already planning to be in Salt Lake for the weekend so as it turns out...I have been in living in the northern haze of Salt Lake City since Tuesday.  While I have missed the sunshine and blue skies of Southern Utah, I have gathered a wealth of information on grant writing and manufactured memories with Karamea. 

Grant Writing Workshop
The best way to describe my grant writing instructor is to say, "his presentation was passionately contagious."  John O'Malley has a wealth of knowledge and his workshop was engaging and informative.  I feel inspired to return to work on Monday and put my new knowledge into practice.  I have pages and pages of notes and John has promised to send all who certified in the class, his power point presentation.  I am excited to study the in depth details of what was crammed into a two day workshop.  

This tool is one that he gave us and can be used in any given situation.

The problem is ________________________________.
It is cause by __________________________________.
The perfect solution is ___________________________.
Without solving the problem _______________________will happen.

John told the class that this exercise was used while he was serving in the Navy.  It is a great tool for strengthening communication skills.

Manufacturing Memories
Karamea and I have been roommates since Tuesday and it has been a delight.  My world is so full of boys and testosterone.  I have thoroughly enjoyed a few days to focus on all things pink.  Wednesday after class we went to the World Market.  I love this place.  A small corner of the store is dedicated to International Foods.  We picked up a few things but the greatest discovery was Herbal Water - refreshing to the last drop.  I must find a way for distribution in St. George.  Thursday after class we became lost in the world of IKEA.  Acres and acres of home decor.  Karamea added to her elephant collection by purchasing an Elephant plant.  I picked up a lamp for my bedroom.  The World Market and IKEA - two places that do not exist in St. George.

Added Bonus
Rakai, Carly and a couple of other friends are in Salt Lake for the weekend.  We are meeting them at Oasis in an hour for breakfast.  I love Oasis!  A few more hours and I will be headed back to St. George and all the surprises that go with it.