Monday, February 2, 2009


Since today is the Superbowl and since my house is full of boys, being without TV is a bit of a nuisance. We went to church then after church they piled the snacks and soda (liquid poison) into the car and headed to my office.

Editors Note - I work for KCSG TV so there is a TV in my office. It is on all day long so the last thing I want to do when I am not working is to watch TV.

I am home enjoying silence and fixing dinner...which they most probably will not eat because by the time they get home they will be all jacked up on junk food and soda.

Don't get me wrong now. I like the Super Bowl just as much as the next woman but somehow the thought of silence in my home sounded so much more enticing.

Editors Note - Boys are very noisy.

So here I the silence...eating my dinner and blogging my first post for the month of February.

Editors Note - February is the month of Love! I love this month...

I'm reading a book called Buddha, A Story of Enlightenment by Deepak Chopra and true to its title I'm feeling somewhat enlightened. There is so much to read in this many great things to please the mind and gladden the soul.

I'm kinda wondering why I'm not taking advantage of this silence by reading my book...on second thought...I think I'll join the boys at my office.