Sunday, June 7, 2009


I have loved this day! It has been nothing extraordinary and that is why I have loved it. It began at 7:40 am with Sammie jumping up to tell me he was hungry and wanted to go outside. I stumbled into the kitchen got his breakfast then thought about making food for my boys. The fridge was nearly empty of breakfast items so I wondered off to the market. I returned and had breakfast made before anyone woke.

The day continued on. Usual treks to pick up and drop off kids, Saturday cleaning and laundry. Then Ammon and Isaac wanted to go to the gym. I didn't have much going on so I went with them. A two hour work out on a leisurely Saturday afternoon was good for my soul. Then home to make dinner and, upon discovering an empty cookie jar, I made cookies.

I love to make cookies!

And so I have simply existed on this Saturday. No soccer games. No schedule of any sort. Just peacefully lived through it. The day ends with a view of a nearly full moon and all is pleasant and serene.