Monday, September 21, 2009


September Equinox is two days away and with it comes the close of my summer. My mind is wrapped around the memories.

Freeze time and remember...

**summer sunrise**summer skies**summer nights**summer picnics**summer love**summer weddings**summer reunions**summer breeze**summer hikes**summer joy**summer soccer**summer morn**summer strolls**summer tunes**summer drives**summer bike ride**summer parades**summer heat**summer rain**summer blossoms**summer birthdays**summer sunset**

**green grass**sun rays through the clouds**lazy afternoons**leaves on the trees**tank tops and shorts**barefoot in slippers**sand in my toes**orange peel smoothies**lavender walk**reggae festival**pioneer park farmers market**park city**emerald pools**harry potter marathon**kolob reservoir**lost on hulu**family and friends**county fair**isaac at the temple**roundup rodeo**

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."