Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The past few days have been a whirlwind of thought and activity. Last night Isaac and I returned from a weekend in Salt Lake. While up north we drove up to Heber City. That drive and the drive home gave me time to reflect on the changing of seasons.

Feeling inspired I pulled out paper and pen and scribbled a few words while driving 70 mph on the highway...

"It's that time of year when God pulls out his paintbrush and splashes shades of red, gold and green on this canvas we call earth. The voice of FALL tells us that the cold is yet to come. It speaks in a magnificent sort of way."

Isaac and I spent a part of Saturday at the temple with dad. For me a session filled with insight and inspiration and for Isaac, a time to hang out with Grandpa in the Celestial Room.

I cherish moments with my children. They are growing into independent adults. Isaac leaves in 6 weeks for Berlin. Rakai to New Zealand and Karamea explores options of adventure. I believe this may be a Christmas of only 3 children at home. Such a strange concept...

My job...wow...crazy things are happening. I was feeling pretty comfortable with marketing and sales for the broadcast center. But a "shock and awe" announcement came last week. The CMI broadcast center has partnered with KCSG TV and will be producing the news from our location. I have been promoted to Director of Public Relations and Promotions for CMI - basically the job I was doing for KCSG only now for 2 radio stations, a TV station, a newspaper and soon to be online video. I am now in the process of negogiating a fulltime salary. My former job at KCSG is chasing me. I want to turn and run but my feet feel stuck in position.

Here's another crazy thought...We have a dog. I love dogs but they are like children. They need love and attention all the time. Rakai rescued an English Bull Dog from his wacked friend...I use the word "friend" very lightly. He named him Leopold. We call him Leo. He's cute...short and pudgy. Now we have to train him. I still love Sammie best of all.

My life at the moment feels frayed and random. There's so much happening. It's difficult to keep it all straight.

Where is my Island???