Monday, September 7, 2009


"By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer." - Helen Jackson

Memories of Labor Day weekend include my mom's birthday, one final summer picnic and school on Tuesday.

When I was young summer ended with the Labor Day weekend and school started the Tuesday following. School in August continues to be a foreign concept to me.

So here I sit on this lovely September morn. Enjoying seventy degree temps on the veranda, listening to the song of the birds, watching the occasional golf ball zip by, gazing out into the southern skies and feeling the love of God as it embraces my existence.

With the duties of work and mom and philanthropy, on most days my life is filled with chaotic tasks. I treasure my Sunday mornings.

We have chosen to stay home on this Labor Day weekend. Ammon and Asa went camping and boating with friends. Karamea is in Portland exploring the opportunity of moving there. The rest of us remain home lost in Lost...

I made the mistake of watching Episode One, Season One of a show called Lost on Now we are all hooked. Hulu has all 5 seasons. It is entertaining and definitely keeps our interest. I finished Season One last night and am anxious to get started on Season Two. But today is the Sabbath and I was taught that there are more important things to do on the Sabbath than watch TV. Technically its not TV...or is it?