Monday, October 5, 2009


CMI linked up with KCSG which meant I was back on the Finish Line at the marathon. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about receiving my old job back, but being on the finish line was absolutely wonderful.

There is complete comraderie among the volunteers who have been there year after year, some for all of the 33 years of the St. George marathon. Those crossing the finish line come in order of appearance. First, those who are participating in the Mayors Walk, then the marathon wheel chair particpants, then the anticipated arrival of the one who takes first place. We watch as a combination of wheel chair and male runners cross the finish line and once again - anticipate - the arrival of the first female runner.

She comes through about 3 hours after she has begun. She crosses then crumbles to her feet. Men of the 172nd battalion run to her aid, lift her and carry her to the first aid station. Fourty-five minutes later she stands, with her 6 children, in front of our camera's and does a live interview.

As a mother of 6 children I am amazed at her commitment and dedication to accomplish this goal she has set for herself.

Another St. George marathon has come and gone and I have had the priviledge of being in the thick of it all. This brings joy to my soul. Maybe my job is not such a bad thing afterall.