Come when the nights are bright with stars
Or when the moon is mellow;
Come when the sun his golden bars
Drops on the hay-field yellow.
Come in the twilight soft and gray,
Come in the night or come in the day,
Come, O love, when'er you may,
And you are welcome, welcome.
Come when my heart is full of grief
Or when my heart is merry;
Come with the falling of the leaf
Or with the redd'ning cherry.
Come when the year's first blossom blows
Come when the summer gleams and glows,
Come with the winter's drifting snows,
And you are welcome, welcome.
-Paul Laurence Dunbar-
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I am a working mother. By definition that means I have a job that takes me away from my home and family for at least 40 hours a week. I make money doing this kind of work and it takes money to pay the bills. That’s why I am a working mother. I do not like that this is my life. It certainly has not fulfilled the focus of my girlhood dreams...
Saturday June 4, 2011 - I woke to a brilliant sunlit Saturday with high hopes for a lovely day of family activities. I started some laundry and went to the kitchen to make banana nut muffins. Ra was talking to me while I worked. Our communication was challenged as we tried to work through some difficult differences.
During the heat of the conversation, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy as I recognized that I was not living the flawless plan I had created as a young woman with fairy tale dreams -- temple marriage, a perfect forever family, managing a household with expertise where peace and harmony exists. My girlhood dreams had been shattered and I was now living a reality that was far from those sugar plum visions.
Many times prior to this moment I had felt the disappointment of this emotion. So many times that I knew I was on the verge of a breakdown. It was no longer “if” but “when” that breakdown would occur.
Swirling around in my head and gripping at my heart were negative emotions of despair and anguish. Disorganization and fading memory tormented my mind. I longed to go back in time and relive my life as a “stay-at-home” mom.
This was the state of my mind when Asa arrived home from his four day Pioneer Trek excursion. He walked through the door and Ra smiled and welcomed him home. Asa was upset and said, “thanks for coming to the church” as he blew by me and into his room. I wasn’t sure what was wrong. I continued to busy myself with Saturday chores while Asa headed back out to the garage.
Ra came and said, “your son is out in the garage crying. You need to go talk to him.” I went out. Asa was lying on the floor of the garage. I sat in a chair and waited for him to speak.
“Why weren’t you there? We pulled the handcarts into the church parking lot. Everyone was happy and waving at us. I looked everywhere for you. You weren’t there. We went inside the church for breakfast. All the kids were with their families. I was alone. I kept asking when you were coming. The leaders just kept saying you would be there. You never came. I had to find a ride home.”
I looked at my son lying there in his dusty pioneer clothing, too exhausted to move, tears trickling down the side of his face. It was more than this mother’s broken heart could bare. I had reached that pinnacle point of distress.
I left the garage and walked calmly through the house and into my bathroom. I closed the door and fell to the cold floor. Tears began to flow. I dared not make a sound for fear of someone hearing that I was upset. Ra came to the door and asked me to open it. With reluctance I reached for the lock. I told him that it was completely unacceptable that I was not there for my son. I said, “I am so distracted by the daily turmoil of my life. There isn’t time to pay attention to the details. I should have been there. He expected me to be there and I wasn’t there.”
Ra closed the door. I lay down on the cold bathroom floor in fetal position and wept at the thought of my son searching for a mother who was not there.
Ra returned. “I’m taking you to the bed.” I objected but he persisted. He lifted my body. I was physically limp. I tried to walk but my legs would not hold me up. I fell to the bed and wept uncontrollably. Ra asked what he could do. I wanted darkness and covered my eyes. Ra tried to cover the window to make the room dark. I opened my eyes and looked around my room.
I saw things that I love -- pictures of my children, motherhood memories, knic knacs and flowers. And I thought, “I do not deserve any of this.” And I said, “I want darkness, please take me back to the bathroom.”
Ra made a bed for me on the floor, dragged me back to the bathroom and lay me on the floor. There was nothing more he could do. For three hours I lay in the dark of the bathroom sobbing in deep despair. Visions, hallucinations, physical pain like I have not experienced before; consumed my being. I was emotionally broken.
Asa where are you. I see you coming down the trail. You are smiling and excited thinking of your family waiting for you at the church. You reach the parking lot and your smile fades as you notice that your family is not there.
I cry out in anguish.
Inside the cultural hall you watch the joy in others as they are surrounded in the love of their family. You ask about your parents and you are told that they are coming. Everyone eats breakfast. You eat alone.
I weep.
Memories plaque my inner vision as I travel back in time. I turn my back on my children as I leave for work each day or choose to do anything that takes my focus away from them. A corkscrew of muddy darkness twists my soul. I am queasy with unyielding pain.
I cry out in agony.
I hear the voices of Asa and Hamilton in the other room. I want to get up. I want to continue on with the daily routine of my Saturday. My lips are dry and they hurt. The chapstick is there just above my head on the bathroom counter. I see myself reaching for it and going through the motion of running it on my lips.The physical distress is greater than my desire and I am too weak too move.
I am inadequate. Damaged. Torn. Inferior. I am insufficient. Unworthy. Misery consumes my soul.
I sob in grief.
How do I unwind the sorrow? How do I come back to a brighter place?
I see the face of my Savior. He speaks to me, “shush be still. Calm your soul. I am here beside you. Remember I have already suffered all of this. Embrace the reality of the atonement and feel my love for you. Place your sorrow in me and come to my light.” I see him coming closer to me. He lifts me to my feet and I fall into his arms.
The crying subsided. I came back into the present and began to feel physically uncomfortable. I recognized that laying on the bathroom floor was cold and painful. My will and physical strength returned. I stood and walked to my bed. I wanted to rest. Sleep came quickly.
Ra came into the room and woke me from my sleep. “Go and talk to your son. He’s sitting in the living room.” I went out to Asa, sat next to him and said nothing. Asa was the first to speak. “I love you mom.”
I apologized to Asa telling him I knew nothing about the reunion at the church. “If I had known I would’ve been there. I was just home doing household chores. I guess I didn’t read the paper. I just thought it was like a normal camp out and they would bring you home when you were done. I love you too Asa.”
A breakdown that came in a rush of negative emotion was crushed by the light of the Savior. The most peculiar pain I have experienced in my lifetime was combated by the comforting remembrance that the atoning sacrifice of my Savior must be applied. Light shattered the darkness and I was healed.
Girlhood dreams are simply innocent imaginations that in coming to pass will bring only fleeting happiness. Life must be filled with opposition so that we may be challenged in our growth. It is only through life’s experience that we learn the lessons which mold our destiny. Dream but dream reality and know that depth of sorrow will create eternal joy.
Saturday June 4, 2011 - I woke to a brilliant sunlit Saturday with high hopes for a lovely day of family activities. I started some laundry and went to the kitchen to make banana nut muffins. Ra was talking to me while I worked. Our communication was challenged as we tried to work through some difficult differences.
During the heat of the conversation, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy as I recognized that I was not living the flawless plan I had created as a young woman with fairy tale dreams -- temple marriage, a perfect forever family, managing a household with expertise where peace and harmony exists. My girlhood dreams had been shattered and I was now living a reality that was far from those sugar plum visions.
Many times prior to this moment I had felt the disappointment of this emotion. So many times that I knew I was on the verge of a breakdown. It was no longer “if” but “when” that breakdown would occur.
Swirling around in my head and gripping at my heart were negative emotions of despair and anguish. Disorganization and fading memory tormented my mind. I longed to go back in time and relive my life as a “stay-at-home” mom.
This was the state of my mind when Asa arrived home from his four day Pioneer Trek excursion. He walked through the door and Ra smiled and welcomed him home. Asa was upset and said, “thanks for coming to the church” as he blew by me and into his room. I wasn’t sure what was wrong. I continued to busy myself with Saturday chores while Asa headed back out to the garage.
Ra came and said, “your son is out in the garage crying. You need to go talk to him.” I went out. Asa was lying on the floor of the garage. I sat in a chair and waited for him to speak.
“Why weren’t you there? We pulled the handcarts into the church parking lot. Everyone was happy and waving at us. I looked everywhere for you. You weren’t there. We went inside the church for breakfast. All the kids were with their families. I was alone. I kept asking when you were coming. The leaders just kept saying you would be there. You never came. I had to find a ride home.”
I looked at my son lying there in his dusty pioneer clothing, too exhausted to move, tears trickling down the side of his face. It was more than this mother’s broken heart could bare. I had reached that pinnacle point of distress.
I left the garage and walked calmly through the house and into my bathroom. I closed the door and fell to the cold floor. Tears began to flow. I dared not make a sound for fear of someone hearing that I was upset. Ra came to the door and asked me to open it. With reluctance I reached for the lock. I told him that it was completely unacceptable that I was not there for my son. I said, “I am so distracted by the daily turmoil of my life. There isn’t time to pay attention to the details. I should have been there. He expected me to be there and I wasn’t there.”
Ra closed the door. I lay down on the cold bathroom floor in fetal position and wept at the thought of my son searching for a mother who was not there.
Ra returned. “I’m taking you to the bed.” I objected but he persisted. He lifted my body. I was physically limp. I tried to walk but my legs would not hold me up. I fell to the bed and wept uncontrollably. Ra asked what he could do. I wanted darkness and covered my eyes. Ra tried to cover the window to make the room dark. I opened my eyes and looked around my room.
I saw things that I love -- pictures of my children, motherhood memories, knic knacs and flowers. And I thought, “I do not deserve any of this.” And I said, “I want darkness, please take me back to the bathroom.”
Ra made a bed for me on the floor, dragged me back to the bathroom and lay me on the floor. There was nothing more he could do. For three hours I lay in the dark of the bathroom sobbing in deep despair. Visions, hallucinations, physical pain like I have not experienced before; consumed my being. I was emotionally broken.
Asa where are you. I see you coming down the trail. You are smiling and excited thinking of your family waiting for you at the church. You reach the parking lot and your smile fades as you notice that your family is not there.
I cry out in anguish.
Inside the cultural hall you watch the joy in others as they are surrounded in the love of their family. You ask about your parents and you are told that they are coming. Everyone eats breakfast. You eat alone.
I weep.
Memories plaque my inner vision as I travel back in time. I turn my back on my children as I leave for work each day or choose to do anything that takes my focus away from them. A corkscrew of muddy darkness twists my soul. I am queasy with unyielding pain.
I cry out in agony.
I hear the voices of Asa and Hamilton in the other room. I want to get up. I want to continue on with the daily routine of my Saturday. My lips are dry and they hurt. The chapstick is there just above my head on the bathroom counter. I see myself reaching for it and going through the motion of running it on my lips.The physical distress is greater than my desire and I am too weak too move.
I am inadequate. Damaged. Torn. Inferior. I am insufficient. Unworthy. Misery consumes my soul.
I sob in grief.
How do I unwind the sorrow? How do I come back to a brighter place?
I see the face of my Savior. He speaks to me, “shush be still. Calm your soul. I am here beside you. Remember I have already suffered all of this. Embrace the reality of the atonement and feel my love for you. Place your sorrow in me and come to my light.” I see him coming closer to me. He lifts me to my feet and I fall into his arms.
The crying subsided. I came back into the present and began to feel physically uncomfortable. I recognized that laying on the bathroom floor was cold and painful. My will and physical strength returned. I stood and walked to my bed. I wanted to rest. Sleep came quickly.
Ra came into the room and woke me from my sleep. “Go and talk to your son. He’s sitting in the living room.” I went out to Asa, sat next to him and said nothing. Asa was the first to speak. “I love you mom.”
I apologized to Asa telling him I knew nothing about the reunion at the church. “If I had known I would’ve been there. I was just home doing household chores. I guess I didn’t read the paper. I just thought it was like a normal camp out and they would bring you home when you were done. I love you too Asa.”
A breakdown that came in a rush of negative emotion was crushed by the light of the Savior. The most peculiar pain I have experienced in my lifetime was combated by the comforting remembrance that the atoning sacrifice of my Savior must be applied. Light shattered the darkness and I was healed.
Girlhood dreams are simply innocent imaginations that in coming to pass will bring only fleeting happiness. Life must be filled with opposition so that we may be challenged in our growth. It is only through life’s experience that we learn the lessons which mold our destiny. Dream but dream reality and know that depth of sorrow will create eternal joy.
Wednesday October 10, 2018 - I have just reread this and remember vividly the depth of emotional pain. It was hours before I was able to rise to my feet and it was only possible because the Savior appeared and spoke to me through my third eye chakra. I think about this experience often. It is a grave and heartbreaking memory.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Been feeling a little melancholy lately...kinda Grumpy and Dopey at the same time. I need to ingest and then apply these words...
Your Special Gift
Sharing Your Genius
Sharing Your Genius
We all have a genius within us and when one of us doesn’t develop or use our special gift, a cosmic void takes place.
Each of us is born with a specific genius that was bestowed upon us so we can do our part to make this world a better place. All of us have a role that we’re uniquely suited for. Imagine our planet without trees, oceans, or clouds. In this same way, when one of us doesn’t develop or use our special gift, a cosmic void takes place.
This unique talent or ability may be hidden from your own sight like a golden treasure buried under shifting sands. Often, we spend so much time dazzled by the talents of others that we can overlook our own gifts. It may even be that our unique ability is something we view negatively. Perhaps we find it difficult concentrating on any one subject for long; meanwhile, others are thrilled by our ability to weave various ideas throughout our conversations. Or, you might think of yourself as “frivolous,” when it’s likely your charming approach to life casts a light of inspiration that others can’t help but follow. It’s important for all of us to try to find our special gift and discover how we can best express it. Ask others to name what they think is your most overlooked talent or character trait. Their answers may change your life.
Explore these riches that are yours to express, and you may find yourself helping others discover and develop their own blessings. Acknowledge and appreciate the gifts you see in those around you. Tell your neighbor that loves to garden how much her green thumb enlivens the whole block. Thank your coworker for always greeting your days together with a smile. Tell your close friends that their ability to listen makes your world a better place. Our unique gifts are like golden rays of expression that can encircle the world with light.
This unique talent or ability may be hidden from your own sight like a golden treasure buried under shifting sands. Often, we spend so much time dazzled by the talents of others that we can overlook our own gifts. It may even be that our unique ability is something we view negatively. Perhaps we find it difficult concentrating on any one subject for long; meanwhile, others are thrilled by our ability to weave various ideas throughout our conversations. Or, you might think of yourself as “frivolous,” when it’s likely your charming approach to life casts a light of inspiration that others can’t help but follow. It’s important for all of us to try to find our special gift and discover how we can best express it. Ask others to name what they think is your most overlooked talent or character trait. Their answers may change your life.
Explore these riches that are yours to express, and you may find yourself helping others discover and develop their own blessings. Acknowledge and appreciate the gifts you see in those around you. Tell your neighbor that loves to garden how much her green thumb enlivens the whole block. Thank your coworker for always greeting your days together with a smile. Tell your close friends that their ability to listen makes your world a better place. Our unique gifts are like golden rays of expression that can encircle the world with light.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I did some soul searching on the drive into work this morning. My analysis concludes that I am an empty water pitcher. I've spent a lifetime quenching the thirst of others. My pitcher is dry and I don't have the energy to refill.
When the water pitcher in my refrigerator runs dry I pick it up and refill it. Is there someone who can do that for me? The answer comes in scripture - John 11: 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
I turn to my Savior and ask Him to fill my empty pitcher. And I pray, "God give me the strength to accept the water thou gives me. Help me to replenish so that I may continue to quench the thirst of others"
I think I need a Lani retreat.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Joyful moments experienced over the course of the last three days.
Karamea arrived on Thursday to help me feed 40 soccer boys.
Ammon and the DHS soccer boys took Region in 4A soccer.
We planted a garden!
Lunch and Jane Eyre with Auntie Rubina.
Hamilton on the soccer field.
Breakfast in bed by Hamilton.
Two hour conversation with Isaac.
Rakai on the grill.
Strawberries and ice cream for dessert.
Jasmine tea and planet earth.
Send email to Isaac...bedtime.
Motherhood is my life.
Karamea arrived on Thursday to help me feed 40 soccer boys.
Ammon and the DHS soccer boys took Region in 4A soccer.
We planted a garden!
Lunch and Jane Eyre with Auntie Rubina.
Hamilton on the soccer field.
Breakfast in bed by Hamilton.
Two hour conversation with Isaac.
Rakai on the grill.
Strawberries and ice cream for dessert.
Jasmine tea and planet earth.
Send email to Isaac...bedtime.
Motherhood is my life.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"Hey mom, I think I'll go into the neighborhood around 1:00 in the morning and get a few roses," says Ammon jokingly. My reply, "umm probably not Ammon." But this is what my kitchen table looked like this morning. I used to go on midnight raids in the Calgary summers and help myself to the neighbors peas and carrots, so I guess I can't be too mad.
I'm too old to stay up as late as my children do. I'm always first in bed. I think it was around 11:20 when I seem to have heard Ammon waking up his sleeping brother. "Come on Asa we're gonna go steel some stuff." Okay, you have to know Ammon to even think that is funny. I might have smiled in my sleep.
Hamilton explained the expedition. Asa did not get up so it was just the two of them. Ammon was the driver while Hamilton did the dirty work. They pulled up to the house and so as not to draw attention to the car, Hamilton climbed in and out the window. Apparently they do not know there is a dome light button that will turn off the inside lights. The entire back seat was covered with roses as Hamilton just threw them in while Ammon sped off in the getaway car. I opened the car door to take Hamilton to school and, betcha can guess, yep rose pedals everywhere with a heart shape on the seat. The car smelled wonderful. Hamilton pointed out the victim rose bushes while I drove him to school. Sorry neighbors.
After school on the way to soccer practice and in a totally different neighborhood Hamilton had his eye out for rose bushes. "Oh my, that's the jackpot house," he said.
The whole thing makes me smile. My boys are the most creative children. But my advice to anyone should definitely not do this for your mother.
Happy Mother's Day to all my dearest friends and family.
Friday, April 1, 2011
"The good people who inhabit the frontiers of civilization do not, as a rule, tend to be the world's most sophisticated or cosmopolitan human beings. Often, they aren't especially well educated or refined, nor all that conversant with cutting-edge trends in areas like, say, fashion and current events...when ordinary human beings performs extraordinary acts of generosity, endurance, or compassion, we are all made richer by their example...the inspiration they generate washes down to the rest of us. It waters everyone's fields."
So are the words of Greg Mortenson in his book Stones into Schools. The man I had the pleasure of meeting and then listening to. Then man who inspires thousands to embrace education or any philanthropical activity. The man who just tonight instilled a desire in my son to want to go to Afghanistan and mentor with Greg Mortenson.
Sitting at dinner with me this evening was a couple from Provo who drove down to attend the event because they too are enchanted by this story, Gina Lewis and Chris Hayes.
Thanks to the Dove Center for providing a safe place for individual's affected by domestic violence. And thanks to the Dove Center for holding a spring charity event that included inspiring the community of St. George.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Scripture study is important and I try to study when I can but some days there isn't time for study. It is for this reason that I have a copy of the Book of Mormon at my bed side. Just before bed I will read a few verses before falling to sleep.
This past week I was randomly reading Helaman 12 and came to verse 15 where it says "it is the earth that moves and not the sun." I read it again to make sure I read it right then got to my feet and went to Rakai. I asked him who it was that discovered the earth moves around the sun. He told me Copernicus. I told him actually it was written in the Book of Mormon first!
This has been such a cool epiphany for me this week. I looked up Copernicus and learned about some of the reformers of his time. Copernicus was supposedly the first person to discover that the earth is not the center of the universe as everyone had thought. But in the Book of Mormon it is recorded that 7 years before Christ was born this was the belief. How cool is that?! So awesome.
In more study on the internet I discovered a website called This link will take you directly to a quick synopsis of Copernicus. This is some of the writing on that link -
In more study on the internet I discovered a website called This link will take you directly to a quick synopsis of Copernicus. This is some of the writing on that link -
Copernicus died in 1543 and was never to know what a stir his work had caused. It went against the philosophical and religious beliefs that had been held during the medieval times. Man, it was believed (and still believed by some) was made by God in His image, man was the next thing to God, and, as such, superior, especially in his best part, his soul, to all creatures, indeed this part was not even part of the natural world (a philosophy which has proved disastrous to the earth's environment as any casual observer of the 20th century might confirm by simply looking about). Copernicus' theories might well lead men to think that they are simply part of nature and not superior to it and that ran counter to the theories of the politically powerful churchmen of the time.
Two other Italian scientists of the time, Galileo and Bruno, embraced the Copernican theory unreservedly and as a result suffered much personal injury at the hands of the powerful church inquisitors. Giordano Bruno had the audacity to even go beyond Copernicus, and, dared to suggest, that space was boundless and that the sun was and its planets were but one of any number of similar systems: Why! -- there even might be other inhabited worlds with rational beings equal or possibly superior to ourselves. For such blasphemy, Bruno was tried before the Inquisition, condemned and burned at the stake in 1600. Galileo was brought forward in 1633, and, there, in front of his "betters," he was, under the threat of torture and death, forced to his knees to renounce all belief in Copernican theories, and was thereafter sentenced to imprisonment for the remainder of his days.
The most important aspect of Copernicus' work is that it forever changed the place of man in the cosmos; no longer could man legitimately think his significance greater than his fellow creatures; with Copernicus' work, man could now take his place among that which exists all about him, and not of necessity take that premier position which had been assigned immodestly to him by the theologians.
"Of all discoveries and opinions, none may have exerted a greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus. The world had scarcely become known as round and complete in itself when it was asked to waive the tremendous privilege of being the center of the universe. Never, perhaps, was a greater demand made on mankind - for by this admission so many things vanished in mist and smoke! What became of our Eden, our world of innocence, piety and poetry; the testimony of the senses; the conviction of a poetic - religious faith? No wonder his contemporaries did not wish to let all this go and offered every possible resistance to a doctrine which in its converts authorized and demanded a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed not even dreamed of." [Goethe.]
So many have willingly died at the hands of those who refuse to believe or even accept the prophetic words of Prophets, Apostles and the inspiration of the Reformers. Joseph Smith asked the question, "Why persecute me for telling the truth?" Denying what he had seen would be an offense to God. And so instead they go to their death holding fast to that which they know to be true. WONDERFUL! Absolutely wonderful!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
March 7, 2011
A Glimpse Of Perfection
Living A Day In Grace
A Glimpse Of Perfection
Living A Day In Grace
Grace is always with us. It flows like a river through our lives, artfully reminding us that there is magic and power beyond what our eyes can see. At times we catch its subtle beauty, like during chance meetings, near misses, and insights that seem to come from nowhere. Other times we experience grace in all its powerful surety such as when a job or relationship comes to an end. Though we may forget that this is grace at work too, it is indeed influencing our lives, helping us to move forward and take the next step. Grace exists in all situations, in every moment, yet all too often we may overlook its presence.
Imagine how it would feel to live an entire day in grace, to fully appreciate that your day is unfolding in absolute perfection. Whereas usually you might miss the magic in ordinary events and interactions, on this day you would recognize them all as little miracles. Perhaps you could begin with your first deep breaths in the morning, becoming aware that there is an abundant supply of air for you to breathe. Your lungs know just how to carry oxygen to your blood, and your blood knows where to carry it from there. This is grace at work. You might appreciate the brilliant sunshine, the warm summertime rain, or the possibilities for learning that greet you at every turn. You might notice the ease with which you do your job or laugh with a close friend. These things are also grace. Even laying your head down at the end of this day and resting in the stillness of night is grace.
With each opportunity you give yourself to enjoy this current of benevolence, you may discover a deeper peace. Your faith may strengthen and your heart may open. You might begin to wonder if struggle is really all that necessary after all. By living this one day in grace, you might open the door to many more.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
All pray in their distress;
And to these virtues of delight
Return their thankfulness.
For Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
Is God, our father dear,
And Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
Is Man, his child and care.
For Mercy has a human heart,
Pity a human face,
And Love, the human form divine,
And Peace, the human dress.
Then every man, of every clime,
That prays in his distress,
Prays to the human form divine,
Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace.
And all must love the human form,
In heathen, turk, or jew;
Where Mercy, Love, & Pity dwell
There God is dwelling too.
Just as a blade of grass thirsting for a drop of rain to fall;
Just as a flower petal seeking radiant sunlight to stand tall,
So it is with peace...
Ever searching through confusion,
Is this thing we long for an illusion?
Where is the voice of the turtle dove?
Will calming words anoint the heart?
Why is this winding path confounding us?
Why is there failure from the start?
Perhaps another path to travel will bring darkness into day.
Perhaps the answer's in believing that FAITH will show the way.
Just as a soothing breath of hope descending from above,
Lasting PEACE is found in the miracle of LOVE.
-Allen Koepke-
-Allen Koepke-
Monday, February 7, 2011
I don't remember ever going with a friend on an overnight adventure. But this weekend I did. I went to Las Vegas to see Reba McIntyre and George Strait in concert. Yep, a country concert. It was pretty awesome.
Lil Barron and I got tickets and a room from friends in our rotary club. The seats at the concert were amazing. Four rows from the stage and right smack in front of the performers. I was especially impressed by the use of technology and the digital production that went on during the show. Seven cameras to film the show, send it up to master control and then to the big screens that were placed above the stage. IT WAS SPECTACULAR! The concert started at 8:00pm and ended at 12:30a. We made it back to our hotel around 1a which was 2a St. George time. Fluffy pillows and down comforters were a welcome site at our room in the Wyndham. Views in every direction! This is an incredible place! Too bad we weren't staying for more than one night.
Check out the pictures!
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Lani and Lil |
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Sky View |
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Pool View |
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Every seven weeks I venture to Salt Lake to hang out with Karamea. A couple of weeks ago I received an email from my supervisor at work saying he would like me to attend a Grant Writing Workshop January 26 and 27. I was already planning to be in Salt Lake for the weekend so as it turns out...I have been in living in the northern haze of Salt Lake City since Tuesday. While I have missed the sunshine and blue skies of Southern Utah, I have gathered a wealth of information on grant writing and manufactured memories with Karamea.
Grant Writing Workshop
The best way to describe my grant writing instructor is to say, "his presentation was passionately contagious." John O'Malley has a wealth of knowledge and his workshop was engaging and informative. I feel inspired to return to work on Monday and put my new knowledge into practice. I have pages and pages of notes and John has promised to send all who certified in the class, his power point presentation. I am excited to study the in depth details of what was crammed into a two day workshop.
This tool is one that he gave us and can be used in any given situation.
The problem is ________________________________.
It is cause by __________________________________.
The perfect solution is ___________________________.
Without solving the problem _______________________will happen.
John told the class that this exercise was used while he was serving in the Navy. It is a great tool for strengthening communication skills.
Manufacturing Memories
Karamea and I have been roommates since Tuesday and it has been a delight. My world is so full of boys and testosterone. I have thoroughly enjoyed a few days to focus on all things pink. Wednesday after class we went to the World Market. I love this place. A small corner of the store is dedicated to International Foods. We picked up a few things but the greatest discovery was Herbal Water - refreshing to the last drop. I must find a way for distribution in St. George. Thursday after class we became lost in the world of IKEA. Acres and acres of home decor. Karamea added to her elephant collection by purchasing an Elephant plant. I picked up a lamp for my bedroom. The World Market and IKEA - two places that do not exist in St. George.
Added Bonus
Rakai, Carly and a couple of other friends are in Salt Lake for the weekend. We are meeting them at Oasis in an hour for breakfast. I love Oasis! A few more hours and I will be headed back to St. George and all the surprises that go with it.
Monday, January 24, 2011
I am captivated by the reverence of Mary. It was the depth of her love for God which governed her life. She was humble and submissive and willing to give all. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and greeted her by saying, "Hail, thou art highly favored, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women." Mary, in her humility, cannot even comprehend why he is addressing her in that way.
The angel tells Mary that she will be the mother of the Son of God and how this will be accomplished. Mary, understanding the consequences of this act simply says, "For with God nothing shall be impossible...behold thy it unto me according to thy word."
It is in the first and second chapters of Luke where we are introduced to Mary and where we learn the simple beauty of her spirit. I want to exemplify Mary's character. Her reverence, her solitude, her peace. One day I will meet her and I will embrace her as the mother of my Savior and the heroin of my soul.
Monday, January 17, 2011
This is a long weekend and so there were many visitors at church today. The Relief Society room was packed with sisters. I was scheduled to give the lesson so I was feeling quite connected to the spirit. As I waited for the meeting to start, I sat quietly listening to the chatter of women around me. Women speaking of their children and grandchildren and of their humanitarian projects.
My mind wandered back to Tuesday of this past week. I had to attend the Business and Professional Women's luncheon. Another room full of women but with a completely different spirit. Here the glitter of painted faces, greeting each other with compliments of outward appearance - "I love your jacket", "What a beautiful necklace". These are women connected for networking purposes. Furthering their personal agendas.
In contrast the LDS organization of women called Relief Society carries a motto - Charity Never Faileth.
The spirit in the room on this Sunday was peaceful and touching. There were angels among us and they were felt. This was a wonderful thing as I stepped to the podium to share the lesson I had prepared. The topic today was on fasting.
I learned so much in my preparation the greatest of which is a quote from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin - "Fasting and prayer can help develop within us courage and confidence. It can strengthen our character and build self-restraint and discipline. Often when we fast, our righteous prayers and petitions have greater power. Testimonies grow. We mature spiritually and emotionally and sanctify our souls. Each time we fast, we gain a little more control over our worldly appetites and passions."
If this is the reward for a sincere fast then I would choose to be anxiously engaged.
If this is the reward for a sincere fast then I would choose to be anxiously engaged.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I would like to write some powerful piece of inspiration but presently, nothing comes to mind. I'm sure it is because mind body and soul are out of balance and I'm feeling a little of this...
Longing...for something better
Grateful...for warmth of the sun
Wandering...through my wilderness
Looking...for tangibility
Dreaming...of an island
Eager...for something different
Longing...for something better
Grateful...for warmth of the sun
Wandering...through my wilderness
Looking...for tangibility
Dreaming...of an island
Eager...for something different
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I woke to a blanket of white on this first Monday of 2011. Reading facebook posts you'd think all of my St. George friends were in a fantasy world of white. But for me that world of white leaves me feeling cold and shivery.
I live in the dessert to enjoy the warmth that it is supposed to bring. Growing up in Calgary, Alberta and living just an hour from the Canadian Rockies has given me all the snowy experiences I ever needed for my lifetime. You'd think all those years in Canada I'd be a skier or skater or something. But no, I spent my winters wishing for warmth and the summers were always way too short.
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