Monday, August 18, 2008


When Friday afternoon comes around in the world of work, we bid each other farewell and wish our colleagues a "good weekend". What exactly does that mean?

This past Friday Ammon, my 16 year old son, was with me as I was leaving work. When we got in the car he asked, "Mom do you ever really have a weekend?" I'd never really thought about it so this weekend I tired to be more observant.

Saturday morning Hamilton (he's 9) woke me at 5:50a. He was playing soccer in Vegas and needed a ride to his coaches house because he was riding with them. We left the house at 6:15. It's quite intriguing how many people are up early on Saturday morning. Some getting exercise with a walk, run or bike ride and others gassing up the boat or some other recreational vehicle so they can head out for the day. And others, doing the yard work before the heat of the day sets in.

I returned to my bed with an ice pack to numb the pain of the stress that I carry in my neck but I was back at life by 8:00. I spent the next few hours picking up children who had slept at friends houses, bringing them home to breakfast, then driving them to work and other various locations. I observed the activities around me as I drove. There didn't seem to be much recreating going on. People loading moving trucks, working in their yard, working at work. By the time I arrived home it was 11a. I could actually eat breakfast now.

Then I was off to work. Yes that's right, Saturday afternoon of my weekend was spent at the office. Go figure. I reorganized the storage of my promotional closet and the shelves in my office while the boys and Ra did their weekly janitorial chores.

What happens to men when they've spent a few hours working? They get hungry. Of course they were all starving when we got home (4p) so I prepared lunch and they ate it.

Are we having a weekend yet?

As you can see from my play by play of Saturday it's not much of a weekend. I am, however, quite enjoying the peace of my Sunday morning. Everyone sleeps while I listen to the sounds of nature and catch up on a few blogs.

I've decided my weekend starts when I wake Sunday morning, not to the sound of an alarm clock or the nudging of a child, but just simply and naturally come into my existence.

Yes Ammon, I do have a weekend. It's not a complete 2 days. Instead it comes in sporadic moments when I have time to stop and connect with what's really most important.