The nature of "Director of Public Relations for KCSG TV" ensures that I will be spending time socializing with people of all sorts. And for that reason I sit on many boards and associate with many people.
The Washington County Fair Board is MY MOST FAVORITE! Last night I attended the closing party for the 2008 Washington County Fair Board. The companionship of these people makes doing my job bright and wonderful! We work so hard together and we have SO MUCH FUN!
Wendy Sandberg is the leader of our gang. Her love and excitement for the fair rubs off on all of us. She encourages us in our responsibilities and we all support each other in return. The board members are just "downhome" good people. It's not a job, it's a service to the community. They follow the motto - "Service above Self".
These are people I hold in high admiration. When I move to the UAE I will miss them most of all!