Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 20 - Summertime Swims & Stuff

School ended the last Friday in June and started the day after Labor Day in September. Summer was July and August. Sunrise was earlier than I woke up and sunset was sometime around midnight. I spent lots of time outside. Grandma didn't let me wear sleeveless shirts but I did have a pair of baby doll pajamas and they showed my arms. My brothers made fun of my farmers tan so I wore a shawl around my shoulders when I had my purple baby dolls on.

We liked to swim at Stanley Park but we didn't always have the money to take the bus there and then pay to get in. Sometimes we set up a Kool Aid stand on the front lawn and sold drinks to passers-by. We counted our money as the day went on and when we had enough to pay our way we packed up the stand and headed for the bus stop.

I spent a lot of time at this after day after day. By the end of the summer I had a pretty good tan. One time I was standing out on the driveway with Moana and the flies kept landing on me. I was getting annoyed and she said, "your skin is so brown the flies think you are poop. And flies like to land on poop."