Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 25 - The Book of Mormon

Our Sunday School lesson today was about Mormon and the final destruction of the people. Mormon was ten years old when he learned he would be responsible for the plates. He was fifteen when the Lord appeared to him and he received a personal witness of Jesus Christ. In all the days of his life he was never able to experience a world of peace and happiness. All around him was the face of war, persecution and destruction. The people were so wicked that there were no gifts from God and the Holy Ghost could not dwell there. (Mormon 1:14) Despite all of this Mormon continued to stay strong in his testimony and his faith in the Lord.

It is through constant nourishment of my spirit that I am able to stay true to my testimony. Each day I live begins with prayer and scripture study. I know that fasting and prayer, service and charity towards others are the elements that bring peace to my soul. Difficulties have, do and will arise but I know I can fall into the loving arms of my Father in heaven. More than anything I would hope that each of my children will one day embrace this same knowledge. Know that, even though you cannot wrap your arms around Him, Heavenly Father loves you just as tangibly as I love you.

Today while teaching Sunday School I was overcome by the spirit as it spoke to me. Isaac, Ammon and Asa were there and I did my best to finish the lesson. But while watching the video I heard the spirit speak to me. So many have sacrificed so much so that we would have the words that are contained in this book. There are inspiring stories weaved into the fabric of war and persecution and destruction. Everything that is the word of God is important for us to ingest. There is truth in so many places and none of it should be discounted.

I am grateful to the people of the Book of Mormon for being so diligent in recording the history. I am grateful to Joseph Smith for having the faith and the strength to ask the questions and then to be true to the answer he received. I am grateful to my parents for instilling in me a love of the scriptures.

I love that I know these things and that the power of the words are etched in the windows of my mind.