Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 28 - Christmas Eve

Stitched into the fabric of my life are the Christmas traditions that occurred year after year after year. Dad was kind of a humbug during this season but that is to be expected as he was the one who had to find the money to pay for the holiday. As children we didn't really understand the economics of Christmas. While I vaguely remember a few of the gifts I received it's the sights, the sounds and the tastes that are foremost in my mind.

Lighting up the house was pretty simple back then. Dad strung red and blue lights along the rain gutter. A simple string of real live Christmas size lights all around the perimeter of the house. Simplicity on the humble homes and spectacular illumination in the rich neighborhoods and public parks. On Christmas Eve we always piled into the car and drove around looking at light displays. After being entertained by the lights we drove to Heritage Park to watch the church sponsored live nativity. The scene was set against the backdrop of a hill. A makeshift stable, manger and star. Live people, live animals. It was cold and it was wonderful...unless you are one of the cast members. Back at the house we sat around the Christmas tree singing carols and crunching on candy canes.

This is my Christmas Eve memory.

Crissy Doll - Her hair grew with the push of a button. She's all I wanted for Christmas one year and I got her. I wish I had saved her. 

The Heritage Park Nativity Pageant