Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 4 - The Testimony of My Mother

I suppose I should follow dad's testimony with mom's however mom was very quiet and her testimony illuminated from her soul. Mom didn't really say too much except one time...

I remember when we moved to a new ward in Calgary and the Bishopric came over to visit. We were all gathered in the living room and dad introduced all of us. Somewhere in the conversation mom explained to the Bishopric that she would only accept callings that would include her children. She said she would not hold an administrative position because that would take time away from her first priority which was to be with her children. Mom taught primary and Sunday School but in my growing years she was never a Relief Society, Primary or Young Women President.

Other memories include walking past mom's bedroom and glancing in to find her sitting in a chair reading her scriptures or listening to some peaceful music. There were times on Sunday evening when mom, Moana and I would gather in my bedroom with the LDS hymnal and just turn through the pages singing the hymns that were familiar to us. It was all acapella and it was wonderful. Every time I sing There Is An Hour of Peace and Rest I remember this moment in time.